8am to 2pm – Located at 720 Graystone Road, Manheim.
* Flea Market is CLOSED Saturdays, May 17 and August 30, for Heart of Lancaster Arts & Craft Shows.
* Saturday, November 22, 2025 is the Root’s Christmas Show. All vendors must be registered for this unique show.
4pm to 7pm
Please park at Root’s Old Mill Flea Market, 720 Graystone Road, Manheim.
* Rain date is Tuesday, April 29.
Visit for more infomation.
* No Saturday Flea Market to be held this day.
Visit their Facebook for more information. Hours are Saturday 10am-5pm and Sunday 10am-4pm.
* No Saturday Flea Market to be held this Saturday.
4pm to 7pm
Please park at Root’s Old Mill Flea Market, 720 Graystone Road, Manheim.
*Rain date is Tuesday, September 16.
9am to 3pm
Vendors must be pre-registered.
Contact Show Management for a specific food vendor application: (717) 898-7443.
Year-round, you can count on our market to be open and auctions to be called. We look forward to seeing you at Root’s!